Kindermusik of College Station-Bryan uses the Jackrabbit system for parents to access registrations, absences, makeups, and billing information. To log in to the Jackrabbit Parent Portal, click here: Jackrabbit Parent Portal
We allow children to make up a missed class within the session they're enrolled. Makeups can be scheduled in any same-level class that has seats available, but they are not guaranteed. If you know in advance that you will be absent, please submit the absence in the Parent Portal so that your seat is opened up for another child hoping to schedule a makeup.
A helpful how-to video on logging absences and scheduling makeups can be found here: Watch the video
Our Administrative Assistant, Emily, is available to help change class times, advance to the next age level, or withdraw from classes. Email her at for assistance.
Once a child reaches the age of the next level, they can be moved up without any transfer fees!
If you need to withdraw, submit your withdrawal notice by the 15th of the month. Withdrawal notices emailed to our Administrative Assistant after the 15th of the month will be charged a late fee of $25.
Want physical books and instruments for home? Order through us when we send out a call for Add-On Orders in September and January to receive a group rate price! The Store link at the top of the website is available to you as well, but at full price.