Who attends class with the child?

In Foundations, Level 1, Level 2, and Mixed Ages classes, the child attends with a caregiver. This can be a parent, grandparent, foster parent, babysitter, etc. We welcome all caregivers!

In Level 3 and Kindermusik Musicians classes, children participate independently until the last 10 minutes, when caregivers return for Sharing Time. This includes a class recap and bonding activity. While many kids are ready for independent participation, separation anxiety is normal. If needed, caregivers can stay for part or all of the first class—or even several weeks—until the child transitions. You’re welcome to sit on the sideline or join in as needed.

Why does age or developmental level matter in music classes?

From vocal range to instrument safety to attention span, every age is different. That’s why each Kindermusik class is designed to help children truly enjoy the activities and meet appropriate developmental milestones.

Dad holds up his daughter to dance during music classes for babies.  Foundations (0-12 months)

Foundations (0-12 months)

Your baby will delight in new sounds, activities, and new people, all within the warm, loving atmosphere of a class environment that introduces your child to music and movement while laying the foundation for lifelong learning.

1-year-old boy plays with a soft chime ball during music classes for young toddlers.  Level 1 (12-24 months)

Level 1 (12-24 months)

You will find so much joy in this active class as you watch your child who is beginning to walk, talk, sing, play, clap, tap, and dance---all on their own! Throughout each class, your Kindermusik teacher will give little tips to create daily routines with music.

Two-year-old girl plays with a hoop during music classes for older toddlers  Level 2 (2-3.5 years)

Level 2 (2-3 years)

Older toddlers have tons of energy and curiosity. Level 2 classes are all about exploring creativity and enhancing cognitive development through singing, dancing, and instrument play, while grownups learn how to help unpack big emotions with music.

Early preschooler uses zig zag blocks during music classes for families.  Level 3 (3.5-5 years)

Level 3 (3-5 years)

Preschoolers enthusiastically engage their love of music to foster their independence, social and emotional skills, language skills, and self-control. Their Kindermusik class will complement and enhance their preschool experience. Parents and caregivers join a portion of each class to participate in the music-making.

Children listen to and play the glockenspiel in music classes for 1-3.5-year-olds.  Mixed Age (1-3.5 years)

Mixed Age (1-3.5 years)

Sometimes, the best learning happens when we’re all together. Mixed age classes allow families with siblings, friend groups, and anyone who’s drawn to the time slot to attend. Educators accommodate powerful and enjoyable music and movement activities for all stages of development, so that everyone is comfortable, engaged, and learning!

Kindergartner plays the recorder during music classes for 4.5-7-year-olds.  Kindermusik Musicians (4.5-7 years)

Kindermusik Musicians (4.5-7 years)

A joyful, encouraging team environment can help your child build a true love for music. Plus, Kindermusik Musicians classes teach children how to read musical notation, play instruments such as the recorder and glockenspiel, provide an outlet to explore new genres, and give children what they need to succeed in future instrument-specific music lessons.